Sunday, 1 April 2012

Inspiration from an unlikely source...

If it's true what they say, A problem shared is a problem halved! Then the same must apply for an idea...Or is it An idea shared is an idea doubled?!  Maybe an idea shared becomes a flourishing of ideas!  That makes more sense and sounds a bit more poetic, The idea in question was to on my own with borrowed equipment shoot an advertisement highlighting that April is Parkinsons awareness month and place it on Youtube, So I went about my usual procedure Calling anyone I knew involved in film or TV asking...OK begging for a bit of help but not getting too much positive feedback, Admittedly I felt a little discouraged wondering had I tapped a little too deep into the well of generosity and donated time over the last few years, Something I had been aware could happen and I believed I was now there!          
After fretting for about a week wondering what I would do now and how could I force this to turn in my favour, I was down in my local Tesco's supermarket When at the checkout I saw a little kid, he had to have been four maybe five. Well he was frantically stuffing his pockets with sweets All the while watching his mother with her back to him, His little head bobbing up and down Terrified, He must have known he was going to get caught, He had to...Everyone else standing there snickering knew he'd get caught!
And like clockwork The Mother radar switched on, Something Fathers don't have! We have intuition But nothing like this, This is a fucking super power! And it terrifies little boys Because at the speed of light she had him! Her Claw wrapped arou.. Right that's taking it a bit too far...Her hand tightly wrapped around his wrist, Just tight enough to root him to the ground but not enough to do any permanent damage, Just enough to leave a pink shade of Chinese burn there, While this is an amazing Power that only mothers possess, Kids too up to a certain age Have a super power of their own, And this kid was about to unleash his, The waterworks started as she emptied his pockets and his legs turned into wet noodles his back went straight his head up, face red, screaming! She had him by the wrist as he pirouetted like a ballerina, I was amazed, If this was a man holding this kid, It would be all over As the father would be mortified, Apologising to his own four year old Rewarding him with sweets or the promise of a trip to Mc Donalds on the way home! Knowing that once home He'd be in trouble for spoiling his appetite!But he would be in the privacy of his own home while he's being humiliated And not here in public worrying that people would start to think he beats his kids...No one would of course!
Just when I thought it was going to get out of control, The Mother lent down and whispered something in his ear And it all stopped!! He stood up straight handed her all the sweets And started trying to help her with the groceries, It's a miracle...A fucking miracle I looked around me scanning the store for Jesus Christ, He must be here, I need to find him so he can lay his hands on me and take away this Parkinsons! Really though I knew it was just another Mother super power called love...
I listened to them exchange a few words as he nuzzled her thigh And she explained that he couldn't eat all the sweets  because he'd  have to force his dinner into his belly and there wouldn't be enough room...To which he replied I would never force anything I WOULD FIRST POOH OUT THE SWEETS! And then eat my dinner...We all cracked up and then went about our days, Very funny But very strange that events led me to be involved in that scene o life, That even now when I think about it, It makes me smile,So I took the boys advice, Stopped forcing things, Naturally made room for the dinner And within days I was contacted by a friend who is in the film industry and the advertisement was made! But that's a story for next time!
I guess the moral of this story is..... Don't force it, Believe that you are worthy and it will come from the most unlikely places!


  1. Good to see your blog. Will spread it around.

  2. I think it's called paitence! Great story David
